Certificate in Secretarial Studies (CSS)

Course objectives

The objectives of the course are to:
1. Encourage students to develop rational criticism and judgment as they make business decisions in future prepare for their careers.
2. Prepare the students to undergo more detailed students of specialized areas of law.
3. By the end of this course the learner should be able to:
(a) demonstrate the ability to communicate efficiently and effectively
(b) Deal with correspondences and other writings at a supervisory level
4. To impart foundation skills in accounts To develop the learner’s ability to:
Process documents involved in accounting information
Prepare statements as a preliminary to financial control

Year II Semester I

CSS111 Principles of Accounting

CSS112 Commerce

CBA113 Business English

CSS114 Short Hand I

CSS115 Keyboard Skills I

CSS116 General Principles of Law

Semester II

CSS121 Office Practice and Secretarial Studies

CIT111 Computer Applications

CSS123 Swahili

CSS124 Short Hand II

CSS125 Keyboard Skills II

CSS125 Customer Interface