Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)
Course Description and Course Objectives
1. Computer Applications is a course designed to teach students how to use the computer as a business and personal tool through the use of applications software. Appropriate software for database management, word processing, graphics, and spreadsheets will be used. Students will also perform activities using integrated software programs. Students will learn to use the Internet, and they will be given assignments in which searching the Internet will be required. (An on-line agreement must be signed by a parent or guardian.)
2. On completion of this course, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following;
Use of information technology in the modern world.
Computer networks and their application in the workplace.
Basic understanding of information technology, how computers are used in the workplace, how communications systems can help boost productivity, and how the World Wide Web can influence the workplace
– The various computer operating systems, applications software and hardware
– Communication systems, computer networks, and the Internet.
– Implications and issues associated with the World Wide Web Legal, social, and ethical issues relating to ICT
Course objectives:
- Describe the purpose and functions of the main categories of applications software.
- Identify the characteristics and purposes of a variety of input devices.
- Identify the characteristics and purposes of a variety of output devices.
- Describe the characteristics and purposes of storage media and devices.
- Identify the various types of network systems.
- Describe the purpose and functions of communication hardware.
- Describe the purpose and functions of communications applications.
- Demonstrate a commitment to the ethical and legal use of online communications tools and services.
3. This course is designed to strengthen basic math skills. Topics include properties, rounding, estimating, comparing, converting, and computing whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Upon completion, students should be able to perform basic computations and solve relevant mathematical problems. A discussion of ratios, rates, proportions, and applications of these topics will be included.
4. This course introduces and justifies the need for communications networks. It describes the Various standards and procedures currently available for transporting data over distance. Rates, formats, modulation techniques, error detection/recovery and standards are presented. The course also introduces the concept of local area networks and their role in the data communications arena. The seven-later ISO model is used as the basis for both major segments of this course. A variety of different protocols are included within the course material.
5. By the end of this course the learner should be able to:
(a) Demonstrate the ability to communicate efficiently and effectively
(b) Deal with correspondences and other writings at a supervisory level
Year 1 Semester 1
CIT111 Computer Applications
CBA111 Business English
CIT112 Information Technology
CIT113 Basic Mathematics
CIT114 Introduction to Data Communication & Networks
Semester II
CIT121Introduction to Multimedia
CIT122Introduction to E – Commerce
CIT123Introduction to Web Design
CIT124Introduction to Visual Basic
CIT125Computer Repair & Maintenance