Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration and Management (PDGPAM)
The increasing desire to effectively deliver results to the public requires that, administrators and managers develop capacity for identifying indicators for key result areas that contribute to the success of their organizations. The course focuses on the systematic study of executive organization and management, Including instruction in the roles, development, and principles of public administration; the management of public policy; executive-legislative relations; public budgetary processes and financial management; administrative law; public personnel management; professional ethics; and research methods. The course provides an understanding of public administration and management concepts, methods and techniques with particular focus on administrative functions in strategic decision making process and implementation. The programme is a two semester post graduate and post experience training programme that aims at delivering advanced professional knowledge and skills necessary for efficient and effective administration in public sector. This course is designed for people who are working or intend to work in any area of management and administration social work, with a particular interest in public administration. It covers the compulsory knowledge base of essential public administration and management units and integrates theoretical concepts, and examples of public administration and management in practice. It also emphasizes the strategic role of administrative managers and their contribution to organizational performance and examines key elements of public administration
Target Group
This programme targets:
Civil servants, top, middle level and line managers in public sector but also those in private and NGO sectors;
Objectives of the Programme
The Graduate Diploma in public administration and management aims to produce graduates who will:
(a) Be critical and creative administrators who:
– produce innovative solutions to problems
– apply research skills to public and social administrative challenges
– communicate effectively and perceptively
(b) Be responsible and effective global citizens who:
– Have a comprehensive understanding of the role of public administration in developing sustainable competitive advantage especially in executing strategies and facilitating the process of change/ organizational transformation in the global context
– Are equipped top and middle level managers with the required administrative and
managerial skills.
– Can apply in-depth knowledge of effective public administrative concepts, methods and
techniques and participate in decision making.
– Have skills to effectively implement all administrative functions in organizational
management and demonstrate ethical values.
(c) Have a comprehensive understanding of public administration discipline and are able to provide administrative discipline based solutions relevant to the profession and public policy in communities we serve.
(d) Serve as managers in the executive arm of local, state, and federal government
(e) Graduates of this programme will have the opportunity for further study at Masters level by research only.
Admission to the Program shall be done in accordance with TU postgraduate admission
regulations and in line with NCHE guidelines.
A candidate shall be eligible for admission to the program on possession of:
- A Bachelors degree of at least a lower second in a relevant field or an equivalent from a recognized institution.
- Possession of appropriate professional ICSA, ACCA, CPA, CIPS,