Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
1. General Objectives
(Options: Accounting, Finance, Procurement and Marketing ).
Today the economy at national, regional and indeed at an international level, is changing rapidly and requires individuals with specific business administration knowledge and skills to deal with emerging business challenges and competition in the job market. BBA has been designed with this in mind and the graduate of the programme will have broad knowledge and skills in business administration which will be topped up with one specialized option taken from the following areas of study: Accounting, Finance, Marketing and Procurement. The option will give the graduate of BBA the much desired specific skills in addition to the broad base.
The corporate world, the non-governmental and non-profit enterprises need employees who can administer their business at both local and international level, keep their finances safe and provide them with the best technologies and modern, efficient and effective communication systems. The BBA programme will open such careers to its graduate as its overall objective is to contribute to the manpower pool with effective and critical thinking skills necessary for successful business administration professionals.
Business enterprises need production supervisors, project Planners, Business Managers, Sales Representatives, and Information Technology specialists, system administrators, marketing strategists, public relations specialists, procurement specialists, financial managers and accountants. It is the objective of BBA to produce people with such competencies.
Year I Semester I
BAF111 Fundamentals of Accounting I
BSM111Quantitative Techniques for Managers I
BSM112 Legal Framework of Organizations
BSM114 Economic Theory
BSM117 Principles of Business Administration
Semester II
BAF121 Fundamentals of Accounting II
BAF122 Information Systems Management
BSM121 Quantitative Techniques for Managers II
BSM122 Communication Skills and Public Relations
BSM123 Managerial Economics
Year II Semester I
BSM115 Management Theory and Practice
BAF213 Intermediate Accounting
BSM213 Human Resource Management
BAF211 Financial Management
BAF212 Managerial Computing
Semester II
BSM221Production and Operations Management
BAF222Cost Accounting
BSM222Business law
BSM223Entrepreneurship and Innovations
BSM224 Research Techniques
Year III Semester I
BAF311 Management Accounting
BAF314 Taxation and Tax Management
BSM311 Strategic Management
BSM312 Marketing Management
BSP111 Principles of Procurement I
Semester II
BAF123Financial Analysis
BSM321Electronic Business Management
BSM322Business Ethics & Social Responsibility
Electives (any two)
Accounting option
BAF322Advanced Financial Accounting
BAF324Public Sector Financial Management
Finance option
BBA321 International Financial Management
BBA322 Investment Analysis
BBA323 Money and Banking
Marketing option
BBA324 Advertising and Promotions
BBA325 Marketing Research and Information
BBA326 International Marketing
Procurement option
BSP321 Procurement Contracts
BSP322 Strategic Procurement Management
BSP323 International Procurement & Supply Management
BSM325 Research Project/Report